After successful development of almost 200 ‘Inventory of Hazardous Materials’ MARSIG offers a new service for the continuous update of the reports (see EU Reg. 1257/2013). Such update is essential for the maintenance of the IHM Certificate but might put additional time requirements on a purchasing department of a shipping company and its fleet.
The service is independent from the contractor of the initial IHM report or from the classification society which carried out the onboard certification. It may comprise various Service Levels, from simple database update till comprehensive classification and completion of purchase orders and their accompanying documents. On the wider range of Service Level MARSIG also requests suppliers for necessary documents and clarifies the installation of components on board the vessels.MARPOL amendments adopted at IMO - MEPC 74 enter into force at 1 October 2020.
Amendments allow MARPOL electronic record books to be used were adopted:
The MEPC also adopted related Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL.
Further Information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG
References to
Shipping companies should develop a COVID-19 management plan to prevent and control any outbreak or restriction by the pandemia.
MARSIG prepared a COVID-19 Outbreak Plan for different shipping companies. Get in contact with us if you need an offer.
An example could be downloaded as follows:
Download Reduced PWOM Example for Arctic (pdf 1.5 MB)
Download Reduced PWOM Example for Antarctic (pdf 0.9 MB)
With advanced digitalisation of telecommunications also our analogue phone lines will be switched-off end of October. Unfortunately we were not able to keep our numbers. That's why please find our most important new contact numbers as follows, which are operable from now.
Assistance of Management
+49 (0)381 66 09 64 - 00
Maritime Consulting (IHM)
+49 (0)381 66 09 64 - 02
Maritime Consulting (ISM)
+49 (0)381 66 09 64 - 03
Software / Project Development
+49 (0)381 66 09 64 - 04
Maritime Consulting (ISPS)
+49 (0)381 66 09 64 - 06
IMO - Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) hold its 74th session (13-17 May 2019)
MEPC introducing MARPOL amendments to allow electronic record books to be used were adopted:
Expected entry into force date is 1 October 2020.
With MEPC.312(74) Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL were adopted.
Link to MEPC.312(74) at
Wir sind auf der SUPA 2019!
MARSIG has sucessfully passed the Bureau Veritas (BV) Service Supplier survey to conduct HazMat checks onboard ships and to prepare Inventories of Hazardous Materials.
MARSIG has sucessfully passed the Korean Register (KR) Service Supplier survey to conduct HazMat checks onboard ships and to prepare Inventories of Hazardous Materials.
MARSIG has successfully supported the certification of SeaTerra GmbH Hamburg and SeaTerra GmbH Wandlitz according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015
MARSIG has started the supporting of the Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH for certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015.
MARSIG has successfully supported the certification of MarConsult Schiffahrt (GmbH & Co.) KG vessels according to the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) by on board assessment and preparing of the Polar Water Operational Manual.
MARSIG is now the official occupational health and safety practitioner (SiFa) for the Metallbau Wunderow GmbH.
MARSIG has sucessfully passed the RINA Service Supplier survey to conduct HazMat checks onboard ships and to prepare Inventories of Hazardous Materials.
MARSIG's Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan II (SEEMP II) receives another approval by BV in addtion to already received approvals by DNV-GL, ABS and Verifavia.
Now, with this next approved SEEMP II, we could offer a complete package for EU MRV, verified by DNV-GL, LR and BV, as well as SEEMP including revision of existing SEEMP and new SEEMP II, which are required for all ships above 5,000 gross tonnage.
We can offer an synchronised combination of both compulsory regulations MRV and SEEMP for ship`s above 5,000 gross tonnage in order to minimize the admistrative burdens of crew on board ships and companies.
You have professional skills in software development, computer science, electrical engineering or similar?
You are looking for a partner for your bachelor thesis?
Apply at MARSIG now!
MARSIG can announce that the company has been approved by Lloyds Register EMEA as Service Supplier for visual/sampling checks and preparation of Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM). With this MARSIG is certified to qualify shipping companies for compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation and the Hong Kong Convention respectively.
The Founder Association (Stifterverband) for German Science paid tribute to MARSIG's longstanding work in the area of research and development and has awarded the Seal of Quality. The Stifterverband is a joint initiative started by companies and foundations – the only one in Germany to be devoted entirely to consulting, networking and promoting improvements in the fields of education, science and innovation.
Once more Owners and Operators are asked to monitor CO2 emissions of their ships with 5000 GT and more as required by MEPC.278(70). Within this context we offer a SEEMP revision and extension respectively. The SEEMP developed by MARSIG passed successfully the approval process.
In addition we also developed already approved MRV-Plans for several ship operators. So, we can offer combined service for both regulations, recommended by IMO and the European Union, in order to reduce administrative burdens for our customers and ship's staff.
So, operators can take effort of our combined service with approved plans and we are also able to offer our combined DCS-MRV-Monitoring Tool.
Owners and Operators of vessels in US trade should observe that USCG will retire the "Notice of Arrival / Departure (NOAD) Schema 3.4" end of April. From that time only submissions supporting the NOAD Schema 3.5 will be processed. Further USCG will no longer accept submissions emailed to The correct address reads
For more details refer to USCG National Vessel Movement Center News.
The results of the successfully finalized R&D project SIREVA and the further developments of the people positioning solution were presented during the “International Symposium on Maritime Safety and Security Applications” in Bremen on 13 June. Managing Director Dr. Dirk Dreissig had a speech regarding the outcomes of the project and the next steps to the market.
For interested parties and further development in People Positioning applications refer to our Products Page.