IMO has released a revised MSC-MEPC.6/Circ.15, dated 31 March 2017. This contact list has to be distributed on board each vessel.
For more information please proceed to
IMO's website or directly download a copy of the
contact list (298 kB) from MARSIG server.
MARSIG has successfully supported the re-certification of the MS Stubnitz according to ISM/MLC.
MARSIG is the official occupational health and safety practitioner (SiFa) for the HDC Wasserbau Nord GmbH.
MARSIG has successfully certified the
KLOASKA Group according to DIN EN ISO 50001.
The results of the successfully finalized R&D project SIREVA will be presented during the next IMO Conference in London on 22/23 November. The project coordinator Fraunhofer FKIE will have a speech regarding the outcomes of the project. A demonstration of the principles of electronic mustering on board of passenger ships will be given in the hallway of the IMO headquarter during the conference.
In this project MARSIG was the partner for programming the "Muster Control Center" software.
For interested parties and further development in People Positioning applications refer to
Sireva Project Page.
MARSIG is hosting worldwide document and data distribution & control for bridge equipment of ships under service contract of Wärtsilä SAM Electronics GmbH.
MARSIG is partner of the new R&D project MEmBran "Modelling of Emissions and Fuel Consumption during Manoeuvring of Ships" (Modellierung von Emissionen und Brennstoffverbrauch beim Manövrieren von Schiffen). MARSIG is involved in the development of an innovative assistance system to evaluate efficient fuel consumption of ships. The project is publicly funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). More information will be posted in due time.
MARSIG is partner of the new R&D project EFAS "Operation Support System for Fire Brigades to Respond Danger on board Seagoing Vessels" (Einsatzunterstützungsystem für Feuerwehren zur Gefahrenbekämpfung an Bord von Seeschiffen). MARSIG is involved in the development of the monitoring and control system. The project is publicly funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). More information will be posted in due time.
The Tokyo MOU, Indian Ocean MOU and Black Sea MOU will carry out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Cargo Securing Arrangements from 1 September to 30 November 2016. During the same period the Paris MOU will carry out a CIC on maritime Labour Convention 2006, where the minimum standard on working and living conditions will be checked for compliance.
The PSC MOUs provide different checklists for preparation crews and ships accordingly.
More information and Downloads:
Press Release of Indian Ocean MOU
Press Release of Black Sea MOU
Press Release of Tokyo MOU
Press Release of Paris MOU
Until now the MRCC Falmouth was acting as Competent Authority for receiving and processing of SSAS alert messages for all
Red Ensign Group ships. From 15th February 2016 this function has transferred to the new HM Coastguard's National Maritime Operations Centre (NMOC) in Fareham, Hampshire. Ship Security Alert Systems on board affected ships should be reprogrammed with the new alert e-mail address. Further all CSOs should be aware about the changed 24/7 contact details.
During a transitional period until 1st July 2018 the old e-mail address and contact number keep simultaneously valid.
MARSIG doesn't publish the new alert address and 24/7 contact details on its website to avoid any abuse by e-mail spam. CSOs should get in contact with their Flag Administration for detailled information in this regard.
As per US Coast Guard announcement the National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC) has changed the Ballast Water Reporting Form (also called Ballast Water Management Report), which becomes mandatory for use on 1st May 2016. Vessel owners and operators should provide their ships with the new form. All vessels equipped with ballast water tanks and bound for ports or places of the United States should be submitting a Ballast Water Management Report to the NBIC.
More information and Downloads:
Recently the Chinese Ministry of Transportation has published the new established Chinese National Emission Control Areas (ECA), which are not official IMO ECAs. Vessel Owners and Operators should be aware that since beginning of his year ports within those ECAs may require reduced sulphur content of 0.5% for fuel oil. The sulphur content of 0.5% becomes more and more mandatory during a transitional period until 2019 and will be decreased to 0.1% until 2020.
MARSIG has summarized the information in a small
pdf info sheet (222 kB) for download. Please feel free and provide your vessels with, for updating the ECA Fuel Change-over Manuals.
The USCG Safety Alert 13-15 (Update 1 to 02-15) contains additional recommendations when completing a fuel oil switch-over prior entering an ECA.
Additional information:
The USCG has revised its Policy Letter 13-01 on "Extension of implementation schedule for approved ballast water management methods" to Revision 2. This policy letter provides revised guidance to vessel owners and operators seeking to extend compliance dates for implementing approved Ballast Water Management (BWM) methods.
Additional information:
USCG Policy Letter No. 13-01, Rev.02 (142 kb)
E-mail Template to USCG (15 kb)
Excel Application Form to USCG (29 kb)
The US Code of Federal Regulations 33 CFR 151.1512(b) or 151.2035(b) define "original compliances dates" where vessels have to establish a "Quantitative Ballast Water Discharge Standard". All vessels are then required to be fitted with a type approved ballast water treatment system. Until a system receives full type approval from USCG, they can either install and use a system with AMS approval, or seek an extension from USCG. The implementation dates depend on vessel's construction date and ballast water capacity.
For example: Ships constructed before 2013, having a ballast water capacity of 1500-5000 m
3 have to comply at the date of first scheduled dry docking after 2014! For more details refer to following information:
USCG Homeport Website (at website proceed to
Environmental >
Ballast Water Management Program)
USCG Policy Letter No. 13-01, Rev.01 (181 kb)
The Riyadh MOU Region on Port State Control will start a Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Safety of Navigation SOLAS Chapter V, commencing on 1 September 2015. The purpose of this CIC is to ensure that ships comply with the requirements of equipment such as AIS, VDR as well as to ensure that the Master and Watch Keeping Officers are familiar with these equipment.
Below please find links to further information.
Riyadh MOU PSC Website
Riyadh MOU Press Release and Checklist for CIC on Safety of Navigation 2015-05-07
Simultaneously with the release of the updated USCG eNOA Schema 3.5 on 26 May 2015, the Infopath Template is getting retired and will not further be supported for eNOA/D submissions. In future, users of the Infopath Template should use the online submission webservice of USCG, other offline tools like NVMC Workbook, or should looking for 3rd party software. Owners and operators should be aware that only the USCG eNOA Website or emailed XML files are completely fullfill the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requirements.
Marsig has updated it's full compliant
eNOA Editor Software which is submitting eNOA/Ds via vessel's standard e-mail system to USCG. Feel free ans ask for an offer.
For more details refer to:
USCG eNOA/D Schema 3.5 announcement
CBP Requirements 2015-03-23
For ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014, a minimum of two two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus for each fire party for fire-fighter's communication shall be carried on board. Those two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus shall be of an explosion-proof type or intrinsically safe. Ships constructed before 1 July 2014 shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph not later than the first survey after 1 July 2018.
For more details refer to:
Resolution MSC.338(91) - Amendments to SOLAS 2015-03-20
The Convention requires the registered owner of a ship of 300 gross tonnage or above to maintain insurance or other financial security to cover the costs of locating, marking and removing of a wreck. Ships of 300GT and above will be required to carry a certificate issued by a State party to the Convention attesting that the necessary insurance is in place. From 14th April 2015 all vessels of 300GT and above will require to hold a certificate.
For more details refer to:
Infos about Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks at imo.org 2015-03-18
On 1 July 2015 the new Hong Kong "Air Pollution Control (Ocean Going Vessels) (Fuel at Berth) Regulation" comes into force. To reduce the emission of sulphur oxides at berth, vessels of 500 gt and above are required to use marine fuel with sulphur content not exceeding 0.5%, LNG or other technologies (e.g. exhaust gas scrubber) to achieve the reduction of sulphur oxide emissions.
For more details refer to:
HK Air Pollution Control Regulation L.N. 051 of 2015