Jobs @ MARSIG in Rostock


MARSIG @ SMM 2024 Hall B6 Stand 448 - We will be there again!


This time with our own booth and in Hall B6 Stand 448.

We look forward to welcoming all visitors and demonstrating our electronic logbooks with many new useful functions including smart emission reporting and data verification.

Of course, we will also present all other MARSIG services.

As a little eye-catcher, we were proud to cooperate with the wonderful artist Roland Wolff, who created this beautiful ship especially for us.

MARSIG delivers Biofouling Management Plans as per new resolution MEPC.378(80)


The 2023 Guidelines for the control and management of ships' biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species (Biofouling Guidelines). It revokes the previous resolution from MEPC.207(62) from 2011.

The new resolution requires additional tasks, for example a Risk Assessment. Two other records (Biofouling Record Book Part I and II) are necessary. These records will also have their equivalent in searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG.

Further information: Link to IMO Biofouling overview at

Briese Research with new digital logbooks from MARSIG


Briese Research has ordered MARSIG to equip the fleet with it's approved innovation searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

Marcel Deeke, Designated Person Ashore of Briese Research announced the schedule for the roll-out of searecs:
It is intended to equip all research vessels managed by Briese Research with the electronic logbook solution searecs until the end of 2023.

Read full press release here

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

MARSIG supports Jebsen Shipping Partners in Clean Shipping Index (CSI) preparations


Jebsen Shipping Partners is seeking competent support to rank an initial vessel according to CSI developed by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The CSI promotes environmental friendly operations and procedures for a cleaner shipping industry beneficial for both owner and charterer.

Marsig's role is to collect, consolidate and edit relevant data for class verification and to serve the customer with more than 25 years of experience.
At MARSIG emission and environmental related topics are always addressed to a series of environmental, nautical & technical experts for the best customer expertise.

LR certifies MARSIG’s new electronic record book platform Searecs™


Lloyd’s Register issued a “Statement of Compliance” for searecs, the platform for Electronic Record Books, after an intensive approval process.

The statement is based on two standards: MARPOL MEPC 312(74) and ISO 21745:2019.

This enables MARSIG to offer searecs to vessels flying a flag where the particular administration has authorized a Recognized Organization to assess the installation on board.

Read full press release here

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG and Link to Lloyd's Register press release at

Expansion of searecs with approvals for Bahamas, Marshall Islands and Liberian Flag


MARSIG enlarges the authorization with flags for its searecs platform.

The Administrations of Bahamas (BMA), Marshall Islands (RMI) and Liberia (LISCR) approved the use of the software on board their vessels, which comprises now up to 17 different Record Books or Logs.

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

Lloyd’s Register with final approval of MARSIG’s Electronic Record Books ‘searecs’


Lloyd’s Register issued a “Statement of Compliance” for searecs, the platform for Electronic Record Books, after an intensive approval process.

The statement is based on two standards: MARPOL MEPC 312(74) and ISO 21745:2019.

This enables MARSIG to offer searecs to vessels flying a flag where the particular administration has authorized a Recognized Organization to assess the installation on board.

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

MARSIG's electronic record book 'searecs' successfully approved including MARPOL record books


Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) from Federal Republic of Germany
approved searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG including all MARPOL record books.

The conformance test report was handed over to MARSIG today.
searecs passed the test requirements according ISO 21745 and MEPC.312(74) successfully.

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

Public Health Expertise for Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement


MARSIG was chosen to conduct a comprehensive inspection aboard a cruise vessel in order to comply with the latest Vessel Sanitation Program 2018. The defined objective included the identification of technical and operational deficits that would compromise the score in an official survey.

MARSIG at SMM 2022 - Hall A4, Stand 421


Visit us at SMM, 6 - 9 September 2022

Hall A4, Stand 421

and get an impression of our approved future of electronic record keeping.

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

Hurtigruten Expedition Technical Services GmbH signed


MARSIG has been successful in winning Hurtigruten Expedition Technical Services GmbH as a customer signing extended consulting service contract. The ISM consulting service includes the preparation of management plans of all kinds as well as subject matter advice for comprehensive legal compliance.

MARSIG's electronic record book 'searecs' successfully approved


Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) from Federal Republic of Germany
approved searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG.

The conformance test report was handed over to MARSIG today.
searecs passed the test requirements according ISO 21745 successfully.

Further information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

MARSIG's electronic record book trail run completed


Test-installation and trail period completed at Scandlines Ferry.

Equipment was installed and trail run period started in September 2020.
Feedback rounds and tests of development steps were carried out directly on board.
Thanks to excellent participation of the crew, requirements were successfully implemented.
The Crew initiated permanent work with searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG now. 

MARPOL electronic record books - MARPOL amendments enter into force


MARPOL amendments adopted at IMO - MEPC 74 enter into force at 1 October 2020. 

Amendments allow MARPOL electronic record books to be used were adopted:

  • Oil Record Book Part I and II 
  • Cargo Record Book
  • Garbage Record Book
  • Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book
  • Recording of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines
  • Record of Fuel Oil Changeover
  • Record Book of Engine Parameters

The MEPC also adopted related Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL.

Further Information: searecs - the electronic record book from MARSIG

References to

MARPOL electronic record books - MEPC adopts MARPOL amendments for acceptance


IMO - Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) hold its 74th session (13-17 May 2019) 

MEPC introducing MARPOL amendments to allow electronic record books to be used were adopted:

  • Oil Record Book Part I and II 
  • Cargo Record Book
  • Garbage Record Book
  • Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book
  • Recording of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines
  • Record of Fuel Oil Changeover
  • Record Book of Engine Parameters

Expected entry into force date is 1 October 2020.

With MEPC.312(74) Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL were adopted.
Link to MEPC.312(74) at

Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) bei MARSIG in Rostock gesucht!


Wir suchen Sie als Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) in Rostock.

Details zur Stelle finden Sie hier

Download Stellenanzeige (PDF)

Additional Service Supplier Approval

Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) | 2018-11-21

MARSIG has sucessfully passed the RINA Service Supplier survey to conduct HazMat checks onboard ships and to prepare Inventories of Hazardous Materials.

New vacancy available


You have professional skills in software development, computer science, electrical engineering or similar?

You are looking for a partner for your bachelor thesis?

Apply at MARSIG now!

Read more details here

Service Portfolio Enhanced

Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) | 2018-08-30

MARSIG can announce that the company has been approved by Lloyds Register EMEA as Service Supplier for visual/sampling checks and preparation of Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM). With this MARSIG is certified to qualify shipping companies for compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation and the Hong Kong Convention respectively.

Release update of data management platform for Wärtsilä SAM Electronics GmbH Service Department

MARSIG is hosting worldwide document and data distribution & control for bridge equipment of ships under service contract of Wärtsilä SAM Electronics GmbH.

New Marsig Customer: Wisby Ship Management AB

We are glad to welcome Wisby Ship Management AB as new customer of MARSIG's Safety and Security Consulting Service.

New Marsig Customer: Reederei Harmstorf & Co

We are glad to welcome Reederei Harmstorf & Co. as new customer of MARSIG's Safety and Security Consulting Service.

MARSIG Office fully reachable again

We have concluded our complete overhauling in our office and are happy being online again. We are sorry for any inconveniences which have been experienced during the last days.